Giraud logo Cognac Paul Giraud

Our Cognacs are appreciated all over the world

16120 Bouteville, France

Phone: (+33) 05 45 97 03 93 Fax: (+33) 05 45 97 54 82 email:


Where to taste and buy Cognac Paul Giraud?

Please select stores and restaurants in your respective countries. If you do not find it, kindly contact an importer or distributor in your area. If you still did not find a place to experience our Cognacs, please contact us by: fax: (+33) 5 45 97 54 82 or email:

Country Selected Stores Selected Restaurants
Australia Contact: Cerbaco Distribution

Mr. G. Chaise

166 Albert Road South Melbourne 3205

Phone: +61 396 99 94 10 Fax: +61 396 96 23 40

Contact: Cerbaco Distribution

Mr. G. Chaise

166 Albert Road South Melbourne 3205

Phone: +61 396 99 94 10 Fax: +61 396 96 23 40

Belgium Contact: Ets Mostade-Hennebert

8 rue Saule-Godaux

6560 Solre sur Sambre

Phone: +32 71 55 52 49 Fax: +32 71 55 42 04

Contact: Ets Mostade-Hennebert

8 rue Saule-Godaux

6560 Solre sur Sambre

Phone: +32 71 55 52 49 Fax: +32 71 55 42 04


or click here to fax an order for delivery in France

Japan Cognac Paul Giraud Text in Japanese17653 bytes)  

Mr. Olaf Kerstens
Gedempte Burgwal 22 D

Phone: 0031(0)70 4278321 - Fax: 0031 (0)70 4278324
Mobile: 0031 (0)6 53720083
E Mail Contact
Web Page :

Switzerland Contact: Munster Kellerei AG

Mr. Hafliger

Kramgasse 45, 3000 Bern

Phone: +41 31 970 31 41 Fax: +41 31 970 31 41

Contact: Munster Kellerei AG

Mr. Hafliger

Kramgasse 45, 3000 Bern

Phone: +41 31 970 31 41 Fax: +41 31 970 31 41

UK Contact:

Viticulteur - Winefare of London

Mr. James Rackham

5 High Road Byfleet Weybridge, Surrey

Phone: 01483 45 87 00 Fax: 01483 45 46 88


Newbriar Company Ltd.

Restaurant Pied a Terre

Mr. Clifford Harris

34 Charlotte Street, London W1P 1HJ

Phone: 0171 486 0031 Fax: 0171 486 3333

USA Contact:

Robert Kacher Selections

Wine Merchants to the Trade

3015 V Street, NE Washington, DC 20018

Phone: 202 832-9083 Fax: 202 529-2579

Cognac Paul Giraud label USA

Order for delivery in France

Giraud nose

Cognac Paul Giraud

Giraud tasting

Cognacs of Paul Giraud


Copyright © 1998 Lusina ISG