January February March April May June July August September October November December
29/12/98 | ORECO (Economic Organization of Cognac or Organisation Économique du Cognac) published its yearly financials. They are steady, not glamorous. In the maze of numbers and various denominations (Hl d'A P, Hl volume, comptes 6,7,8 etc.) a fundamental message for the future is missing. Buying real estate and conducting tasting courses is an everyday business. How about Cognac futures market? Is ORECO the right group to initiate it? The Cognac industry definitely needs futures. The question is who and when? And why not ORECO? What do you think? (Sud-Ouest 29/12/98, Torula News) |
29/12/98 | On the 15/12/98 Torula News published its 2nd "wish list" for the Cognac industry and its upcoming new President of BNIC - The quality. In less than two weeks, with great pleasure, we notice an article by Alexandre Le Boulc'h of Charente Libre (29/12/98) proclaiming that the quality is the most important element of Cognac, it drives sales, it preserves the image. In a wide ranging interviews, he quotes the quality flag bearers of Cognac: Olivier Blanc of Leopold Gourmel, Jacques and Antoine Rivière of A.E. Dor, Pascal Fillioux and his wife of Jean Fillioux, Alain Brastaad and Patrick Peyrelongue of Delamain and three generations of women at Ragnaud-Sabourin. And we salute the creation of Le Club des Cinq. More on it in the New Year. |
29/12/98 | Santa Claus dropped by with fabulous gifts at Torula News; 4 magical books on Cognac and Armagnac written in yesteryears. We have read White Wines and Cognac by Warner Allen published in 1952, Brandies & Liqueurs of the World by Hannum and Blumberg, published in 1976 by Doubleday and Armagnac, The Spirit of Gascony by C.E. Page published in 1989 by Bloomsbury. Click here to read our reviews. The fourth book, a piece de resistance, we are re-reading. It is that good but we will share it with you in a few days. |
28/12/98 | Success breads success and that benefits Cognac. After a week at Gare Montparnasse, days in Bordeaux and in Royan, and after 2 popular weekends in the Cognac region which culminated at the monthly fair in Rouillac, over 400 Les Bouilleurs de Cru and its President, Pascal Millasseau must be congratulated. As well as other organizations that assisted in this project, in particular the BNIC. Now, the challenge is how to continue, how to do the same during the tourist season in the region? Torula News visited number of Bouilleurs and without any exception, everyone was up beat, presentations were excellent and the visitors felt welcomed. Among the best experiences we had were at 182 (Cognac chocolates), 393 (ABC of tasting), 268 (we felt like at home), 201 (we wanted to stay), 80 (poetry in eau-de-vie was visible), 151 (a bio experience was worth the rain and sleet) 353 (a very friendly place), 321 (pride of youth), 295 (brothers pride) and many, many others. Without GPS we did not find 82, 166, 167, 297, 346 and 346. Next time, we hope to visit all. |
24/12/98 | Sud Ouest reported 10,000 visitors last weekend to Portes Ouvertes at Les Bouilleurs de Cru de la Région d'Appellation Cognac. This coming weekend, 26 27 December, we can do better. |
24/12/98 | Free guide to activities in and around Cognac, Cognac Tonik!, is now available on www.swfrance.com |
24/12/98 | Read Robert Stansfield's What's next for Rémy Cointreau? on this web site. Provocative and challenging "food for thought". Just what Santa Claus prescribed. |
20/12/98 | Braving a wet and stormy weather in the Cognac region, many have visited a very well organized 1st weekend of Portes Ouvertes of over 400 Les Bouilleurs de Cru de la Région d'Appellation Cognac. All of you who have missed it, the 2nd Portes Ouvertes is taking place on 26-27 December 1998. |
20/12/98 | Old drink makes a comeback and creates new competition for Cognac. Absinthe, this time made in the Czech Republic, is making a strong appearance in the UK. The use of a Toulouse-Lautrec famous cocktail recipe "tremblement de terre" which uses absinthe and Cognac, adds to the irony. (FT13/12/98) |
18/12/98 | Torula News welcomes a smart and informative Internet site from BNIC. www.bnic.fr |
18/12/98 | Under a new banner "Grande Famille Viticole", number of viticulteurs in the region are stopping eaux-de-vie tankers attempting to obtain cargo value (declared buy/sell price of the transported eaux-de-vie). These actions are against big wholesalers that the "Grande Famille Viticole" believes buys low and sells high.They simply forget a basic tenant of trading: buy low, sell high. Using examples of Cognac XO selling price of FRF69 and the VS at FRF55 and claiming that the low price will not generate additional volume is simply wrong. Price matters as the quality matters. This is a mis-directed effort. In addition, with the sales on Internet exploding, driven by 25 to 50% discounts, the day is coming when the Cognac sales on the Internet will be driven by the amount of discount offered for the products of highest quality. This is already happening with wines, selected spirits, books, software and CDs. (Sud-Ouest 18/12/98; Torula News) |
18/12/98 | A point of phasing duty free sales in the EU by June 1999 was raised by Alain Philippe, Director of BNIC, recently. Following a very confusing and politically sensitive subject of general tax harmonization within the EU, the ending of the duty free sales will be reviewed and hopefully postponed. The Cognac industry had enough time to adjust to this phase out in the 11 countries of EU. Another series of studies and arm twisting appears to be on the way. Torula News understands that number of significant sellers of Cognac in the duty free stores in affected countries have made alternative plans. This is what conducting business is about; react, adjust and concentrate on the future opportunities. Another series of studies, protracted negotiations and delays will only buy the industry an illusionary reprieve. (Sud-Ouest 18/12/98, Torula News) |
16/12/98 | Torula News exclusive interview with Bernard Guionnet, newly elected President of BNIC. |
15/12/98 | Bernard Guionnet, elected in the first round, with 21 votes out of 34 (61%) to become the next President of BNIC. Jean-Pierre Lacarrière of Rémy Martin was elected vice President, representing trading community - négoce, in the fourth round with 21 votes. Some suprising, last minute candidates (Dumont, Bégaut) made no impact on the final vote for the Presidency. The battle for the votes for the Vice Presidency was much more complicated. The long delayed election is now over and it is time to make the Cognac industry work. Bernard Guionnet has this opportunity. |
15/12/98 | Torula News second "Wish List" for the new President of BNIC: Improve quality and the sales will return. BNIC must flex its muscles to force Cognac producers to start paying attention to the quality of bottled product. Cognac and its derivative aperitifs, mixes and all other Cognac based products must be allowed into the market only if they meet stringent quality tests. The answer to the Cognac industry situation is not a mindless introduction of new products which, in general, lack quality and devalue Cognac at its basic. There must be a stricter selection of products, based on quality, than what we have seen in the last 6-9 months. This applies to all Cognacs regardless if it is VS or XO, single cru or a blend, small producer or a Grande Marque. With quality comes also responsibility to differentiate generic Cognac products and its derivatives. Better and clearer labeling of what is in the bottle will also help. As one producer pointed to us recently:"70% of my sales are generated by our VSOP". What he has forgotten to add that as a result of poor quality his sales have been declining. "Less is more" expression applies to Cognac industry today; produce fewer products, return to basic (VS, VSOP, XO, vintages), add Cognac Blanc and Cognac Aperitif as separate and different types of product and do not forget that Cognac is still perceived as a luxury, quality item. |
15/12/98 | This coming weekend, 19-20 December, come and visit over 400 Les Bouilleurs de Cru de la Région d'Appellation Cognac for their 1st of two Portes Ouvertes weekends in the region. After successful promotion in Paris, the region needs to show support and solidarity with the Bouilleurs. |
15/12/.98 | Within the hours, the election of the President of BNIC will be concluded. Baring the last minute suprise like parachuting an outsider, Bernard Guionnet should be elected. In meantime, the outgoing President offers regrets and not much of ideas other than "there are no other solutions for the Cognac region but to adopt vineyards". Implied in it is the removal of "cognac" vines. We wish Mr. Guibé much success in other endeavors as his Presidency was one of failure unrelated to the Asian crisis, which is frequently used here as an excuse for the industry problems. |
11/12/98 | A quick survey of some of the 20 Cognac producers that participated in the 20th National Exhibition of French Private Cellars (Caves Particulieres) at Porte Versailles in Paris last week indicate that their Cognac and Pineau des Charentes sales matched last year's results with some showing a small increase. This is good news points to a slow revitalization of the French Cognac and Pineau des Charentes market. |
10/12/98 | With only four days to go, new names are being floated for the five year term of the Presidency of BNIC; Yann Fillioux (Hennessy), Treutenaere (Courvoisier), Lacarrière (Rémy Martin). But the front runner continues to be Bernard Guionnet and he should master 66% of the vote on Tuesday. (Sud Ouest 10/12, Torula News) |
10/12/98 | Marie Brizard, parent of Cognac Gautier, reported a third consecutive year of losses. |
10/12/98 | With the upcoming election of a new BNIC President on 15 December, Torula News begins to compile a wish list. A random selection of items that require an immediate attention of new President. Today's item on the Torula News 'wish list' is: How to spend BNIC advertising and promotion budget in 1999: cancel participation in the April Cognac Police Thrillers Film Festival, implement Cognac generic advertising campaign, position Cognac as a product to be seen in films and TV production (i.e. Hollywood), develop a promotion campaign that attracts tourists to the region and generates visits to all Cognac producers, regardless of size and cru (i.e. potential partners could be American Express, Thomas Cook). A 24 million French Francs budget for 1999 presents a good opportunity and a fresh start! |
10/12/98 | In a great rush to create more Cognac presence on the Internet, Torula News welcomes two new sites; www.cognacweb.com and www.cognacnet.com but we also notice than many existing Cognac web sites are rarely updated. Once again, it is not about volume of information but it is about quality of information. |
09/12/98 | Cognac Pleasure Tasting, an amateur gathering of people interest it in Cognac, held its final 1998 tasting at Rémy Martin followed by a dinner at Le Club de Rémy Martin. 45 amateur tasters representing France, Ireland, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden, Canada, Scotland, USA and England enjoyed full range of Cognacs Rémy Martin; Louis XIII, Extra, XO Special and VSOP. Tasting results will be published before month-end on www.swfrance.com and www.cognacnet.com . The 1999 Cognac Pleasure Tasting program is well underway and it will include Camus, Frapin, Forgeron among others. |
05/12/98 | Holiday shopping season is in full swing. The Internet shopping dominates in the USA but Europe is not far behind. Most Internet Cognac sites offer e-commerce. www.swfrance.com offers a mix of e-commerce and mail order for Cognac, Pineau des Charentes, Armagnac, chocolates and conserves. In an exclusive for this web site, Cognac & Company presents its rare and unique Cognac Christmas catalogue. |
05/12/98 | Hennessy confirms elimination of 159 jobs by year 2001. Will other big Cognac houses follow? (Sud Ouest 05/12/98; Torula News) |
05/12/98 | Bordeaux based CCS finally buys Armadis, an owner of Chabot Armagnac product line. (Sud Ouest 5/12/98) |
05/12/98 | Reluctant Bernard Guionnet to become the next President of BNIC ... Confirmation meeting is scheduled for 15 December.(Charente Libre 03/12/98, Torula News) |
04/12/98 | Cognac Thorin introduced two new products at the Caves Particulieres in Paris; Princeps an excellent eaux-de-vie that won this year's gold medal at the Segonzac tasting and Top 2000 Cognac. The Thorin Top 2000 Cognac comes from the Thorin cellars but it is packaged identically as the Drouet Top 2000 Cognac (see 01/12 news item). Drouet retains its blue signature color and Thorin choose light brown, but is it enough to differentiate those products? In what might be the first in the Cognac region, 2 Cognac producers decided to share identical packaging for different Cognacs. Cost saving was an important factor in their decision or is this a first step on the road to a merger? Will it confuse customers? Top 2000 packaging is of the highest quality. |
03/12/98 | 20 Cognac, Pineau des Charentes and Vin Pays Charentais producers are working hard at 20th National Exhibition of French Private Cellars (Caves Particulieres) at Porte Versailles in Paris: Paul Bossuet ( Logis de Folle Blanche), Bernard Boutinet, Jean-Noël Collin, Jean-Pierre Leonard, Paul Giraud, Jean-Claude Roy, Claude Thorin, Christian Landreau (Logis de Montifaud), Bernard Begaud, Mr. Ardouin (Chateau Guynot), Guy Filloneau, Alain Gousseland, Cartais-Lamaure (LaGrange du Bois), Jocelyne Grateaud,Odille Pelletant, Jean-François Queron (Le Plantis des Vallees), Robert Pouilloux, Gérard Simmonot, Patrick Tesseron, Jean-Marie Vallaeys. Trade was brisk in the spacious new exhibition place. Several exhibitors introduced new products and presentations (i.e. Boutinet, Thorin, Tesseron). Among some 880 champagne and wine producers at this exhibition, 20 Cognac producers represented the region very well. There were also 6 Armagnac producers, many with Floc de Gascogne, Pousse Rapiere and white eaux-de-vie d'Armagnac products. |
02/12/98 | L&L introduces new products; Special Cognac for January Comics Festival in Angouleme and Cognac Bio (Organic Cognac) for VINEXPO '99 in Bordeaux. L&L Organic Cognac is a result of a joint undertaking of 14 distillers in the Cognac region and marketing savvy of L&L. Well done, L&L! (Charente Libre 1/12, Torula News) |
02/12/98 | For the third months running, www.swfrance.com hosted over 20,000 Internet viewers. |
02/12/98 | 20th National Exhibition of French Private Cellars (Caves Particulieres) opened in Paris today at Porte de Versailles - Hall 7/1. 1000 exhibitors (many representing Cognac industry) expect 100,000 visitors. The exhibition last day is on the 7/12. |
01/12/98 | 1998 wine distillation is underway in the Cognac region. As a result of different weather conditions in 1997, the 1998 wine is different; more aromas, different acidity, more finesse. Expectation for an excellent 1998 eaux-de-vie is high and is well justified. |
01/12/98 | Cognac Drouet introduces a limited series Cognac Top 2000, a blend of of the best eaux-de-vie in the their cave. |
01/12/98 | Sitevinitech, The International Trade Exhibition of Equipment and Techniques for Wine Growing and the Production of Wine and Spirits opened today in Bordeaux. It continues till the 4th December. |
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November 1998
28/11/98 | Financial markets ignored problems in the Cognac region and registered significant gains last week, i.e. Rémy Cointreau SA, parent of Cognac Rémy Martin, is up over 22% for the week. Click here for details. At the same time, over 300 Cognac producers rejected government offer for the industry as insufficient at the meeting in Archiac last Wednesday. While the politicians celebrate arrival of INPI (National Institute of Industrial Protection) in the region where it will share its offices with BNIC. Part of the celebration is a multimillion francs investment in on-line computing. How this will help Cognac producers is, of course, anyone's guess. |
28/11/98 | Hennessy finally makes a move, called Hennessy 2001, to restructure its internal business after launching several new products, restructuring its distribution network and management in 1998. Details will be unveiled on 4 December but it will clearly result in job losses in the range of 75-150 over certain period. Christophe Navarre, President of Hennessy, explained that the short to medium prospects for Cognac are not encouraging especially in Asia and Japan. A step in right direction that should be followed by other Cognac houses. (Sud Ouest 28/11/98; Torula News) |
28/11/98 | First it was Intermarche in Segonzac (capital of Grande Champagne cru) that decided to sell local products only (read Cognac) and now Leclerc in Cognac opened up L'Espace Cognac stocked with Courvoisier, Rémy Martin, Brugerolle, Forgeron, Phillipon, Moulin de la Grange, Jules Gautret, J.M.Deau, Hennessy, L&L, Prince Hubert de Polignac, Hardy, Meukow, Martell and lots of Pineau des Charentes and cognac based aperitifs. Consumers in Cognac region begin to see regional products on the shelves in their supermarkets. About time! |
26/11/98 | Seguin-Moreau, maker of barrels and 40% owned by Rémy-Cointreau S.A., a parent of Rémy Martin Cognac, expands world wide and shows over 14% increase in revenue in the first quarter ending 30/09/98. (SudOuest 26/11/98). |
25/11/98 | Limited quantities of the 1982 Vintage Cognac from Frapin has come to the market in 35 cl bottles and classy packaging at a very reasonable price. This follows a success of their 1979 Vintage Cognac. Olivier Poltes, Cognac Frapin' Maître d'Chai, once again produced a little master piece of flowers, fruits and woody nose with apricots, dry figs and confitures on the mouth. This is pure, uncut Grande Champagne from Chez Piet vineyards of Cognac Frapin. A pleasant surprise for this Christmas. |
23/11/98 | La Cognatheque of Cognac expanding into England in a venture with a Cognac and Company, Ltd., a leading Cognac retailer in the UK; first via mail order and then ... well the future will tell. For this year catalogue, contact Pete Wear by email: christmas@cognac-co.com or by telephone on 01483 202042 or by fax on 01483 202052. A very good idea! |
23/11/98 | The Sunday Times of London selects bottle of the week (15/11/98): Bisquit No. 1, a sparkling blend of Cognac, lemon and quarana. It points to the return of the 1950' where Bisquit No.1 Long Drink was popular with the bartenders and a hope that the English gentlemen will start drinking cognac with soda before the dinner. Its spirit writer, Andrew Barr, gives an accurate assessment of the state of Cognac around the world and highlights 2 important facts.It was the Americans who invented cocktails in the 19th century and they were based on Cognac. A classic, Mint Julep, cocktail was a mixture of cognac, crushed mint, sugar and ice. Its more modern version is practiced at the Atlantic Bar and Grill in London under the name of Red Bisquit; crushed red currants, sugar syrup, orange curaçao and Cognac shaken and poured over crushed ice. Float orange juice on top. Good for business but the the question; what next for Cognac? (Sunday Times 15/11/98, Torula News) |
21/11/98 | Season of "Portes Ouvertes" has started in the Cognac region, with "Open Gates" at Jean-Michel and Claudie Faure in the Fins Bois cru 2 days extravaganza. Featuring interesting Cognac Faure VSOP La Garenne and many regional specialties with Champagne and Bordeaux wines included. All building up to a 19-20/12 and 26-27/12 "Open Gates" at the 400+ Bouilleurs de cru des Charentes. |
20/11/98 | As the small print clarifies the details, most Cognac producers reject Paris offer as ridiculous, a joke, unsatisfactory. Those are the words told to Torula News. Many meetings by the various Cognac producers unions continue but the bottom lime remains the same - there is no solution in sight and the government offer is not acceptable. For the first time, there is a talk of violent protests among all of the unions. |
16/11/98 | alapage.com , a new e-commerce web site specializing in French books debuts with a special offer for "Cooking with Cognac and Pineau". Will it be a French amazon.com success story? |
14/11/98 | Seagram, parent of Cognac Martell, reorganizes its Spirits and Wine group into a centralized structure based in New York. Edgar Bronfman Jr., Chief Executive of Seagram, indicated that Seagram will not sell the Spirits and Wine business but it will attempt to turn it into "an even stronger force in spirits and wine". Number of jobs will be lost and Chivas, Martell and wines offices will be consolidated in the London office. All in all, it looks like good news for Cognac Martell. (FT11/11/98, Torula News) |
14/11/98 | In the recent rush to increase visibility of Cognac products available on the Internet, two producers, Cognac Larsen and Cognac Louis Bouron, lead the way.Larsen with its Cognac Larsen Center Point pages and Louis Bouron' e-commerce site in conjunction with their importer in Singapore. Two different approaches showing imagination and the future of Cognac on the Internet. |
13/11/98 | Paris helps Cognac region with financial assistance but is it 60, 70, 83, 153 or 600 millions French Francs over a period of time. Details to be published in the Official Gazette. Pulling out hectares of vines, early retirements and tax relief are the other key features of this assistance package. Cognac producers are, however, divided over the merits of this package. (SudOuest 13/11, Charente Libre 13/11, Torula News) |
11/11/98 | Luxury goods are recession proof in Japan, including top of the Cognac products range. Recent statistics and surveys make this point. Rolex watches, Hermes Kelly handbags, Vuitton bags, Rémy Martin Extra and others lead the continuing boom. A real drop in sales has been registered at VS, VSOP and XO levels as related to Cognac. The early indication is that Hennessy Irish Whisky, which was introduced in Japan on the 15 October, will do very well. (IHT30/10, Torula News) |
10/11/98 | Small but very vocal turn out by Cognac producers in Cognac and Saintes, protesting in front of Hennessy, L&L, Prefecture and Tax Offices. Several meetings continue in the region and in Paris with no concrete results in site. In the meantime, frustration among the Cognac producers is increasing and new graffiti and posters are showing up. Rumored removal of surtax on Cognac has not materialized either nor has the BNIC elected a new president. Leading candidate of the moment is Bernard Guionnet. Regional officials promise a significant announcement this Thursday. The region is waiting ... |
09/11/98 | French Capital magazine, November edition, lists top 1000 richest families in France. In the top 10 of Cognac region, we found Hédiard-Dubreuil of Rémy Cointreau, Jean-Paul Camus of Cognac Camus, Pierre Cointreau of Rémy Cointreau, family Larsen of Cognac Larsen, Bernard Cordier of Seguin Moreau. It is important to note that number of selected people objected to this classification. In addition, many people who are influential in the region live outside and are listed in their domicile regions instead (i.e. Bernard Arnault of LVMH, parent of Cognac Hennessy). All in all, such lists have purely "Hollywood" entertainment value and bring to question invasion of privacy laws. (Capital 11/98, Torula News) |
07/11/98 | Frustrated by lack of concrete actions, viticulteurs from the Cognac region go back onto the street next Monday (9/11/98) in Cognac and Saintes to protest lack of action by the respected levels of governments. While pork farmers received a substantial government financial assistance, viticulteurs attend many meetings, shuttle between Paris and the region to no avail. (Torula News) |
06/11/98 | Didier Roy and Sébastien Julliard of IREO in Richemont Chevres started new Tasting Club "Bruits d'bouchon". At its inaugural session 4 wines were tasted by the 14 initial members, among the wines were an interesting, biological rosé from Jacques Brard-Blanchard. For more on the Club and its program check www.swfrance.com next week. (Torula News) |
06/11/98 | Seagram, parent of Cognac Martell, reported that its spirits and wine group earnings dropped 24% while the entertainment group's earnings rose 13% in the latest quarter. Final tender offer for Polygram, at an earlier agreed price, will proceed with conclusion expected by mid-December. Drop in earnings at the spirits and wine group was attributed to the market conditions in Asia. (FT 5/11/98, Torula News) |
05/11/98 | Winners of the 10th Tastings of Poitou-Charentes products were announced today. Otard, Forgeron, Bisquit, Lafragette dominated Cognac category, Gérard Simonnot dominated Pineau des Charentes and Jacques Brard-Blanchard Vins pays Charentais categories. For detail results click here. (Charente Libre 5/11/98) |
05/11/98 | Aftermath of the US mid-term election might be felt in the Cognac region in the future and it has nothing to do with the Lewinski affair. American voters in 18 precincts in Chicago, Illinois voted to ban the sale of alcohol in their neighborhoods. For detail analysis of this local issue that might spread across the nation, check The Chicago Tribune. Nearly 20% of Chicago precincts are dry or partially dry and within the next 30 days, businesses that must stop selling liquor will be notified. In addition, the next Chicago vote is on the 23 February '99. Will more precincts join in going dry? Is this the beginning of a nationwide trend? Or just bad memory of prohibition days in the City of Chicago? (FT, Chicago Tribune Online, Torula News) |
04/11/98 | Les Cognacs Ragnaud-Sabourin introduce new product, Cognac Ragnaud-Sabourin XO, in classy carafe package with a well balanced 25 year old Grande Champagne at an amazing attractive price of 470 FRF. Available immidiately. |
04/11/98 | Rémy Platinum, a mix of Cognac and Vodka, claims its first victim. Jean-Yves Malcuit, Director General of Rémy Martin and marketing person responsible for the product resigned last week. (Charente Libre 4/11/98) |
03/11/98 | Atlanpack' packaging day in Cognac was well received with a new emphasis on the labeling of products. Direct and Internet selling is a very much visual sell thus the new emphasis on labeling is well justified. |
03/11/98 | Le Cognac en Fêtes ! takes Paris by storm at the Gare Montparnasse since its 31/10/98 debut and will continue till 8/11. Brilliant idea of Pascal Millasseau of the Bouilleurs de cru des Charentes and its 400 participating members with strong participation of BNIC was well executed and it generates about 3000 visitors per day. Its follow up days in the Cognac region (19-20 and 26-27 December 1998) should see many visitors to Montparnasse exhibit (alambic courtesy of Prulho Company) coming to the region. All visitors who talked to the Torula News had one single comment: "Well, its the first time that I realize that Cognac can be drank in many different ways and it is still produced by our craftsmen. It is definitely worth a visit to the Cognac region" Lots of media provided good coverage and many dignitaries and politicians attended the official opening sponsored by the BNIC. What was missing was the ability to taste for legal reasons. At the same time, Bar du Monde (next to the exhibit) offered only Paul Monier VS, Hennessy Cognacs were available at the La Porte Oceanne (restaurant next to the exhibit) and the nearby Hippopotamus offered Cognac Croizet VSOP. We are sure that an arrangement good have been made for small tastings at the Bar du Monde, at least. And now, we would like to see the same in London Victoria, Berlin Hauptbanhof, Brussels Midi, Stockholm Central and New York Central Station. Job well done! |
03/11/98 | 20,576 Internet users visited www.swfrance.com in October 1998. Check the stats! |
03/11/98 | Science makes progress as seen by the latest bio-technology effort in the USA where a Vin Aromatise Chardonay was created by manipulation of molecules. Will the Cognac or Armagnac be next? |
03/11/98 | New group of 1998 graduates of the Université Internationale des Eaux-de-Vie et Boissons Spiritueuses received their diplomas at a ceremony in Segonzac. Cognac Martell contributed awards for each graduate and Cognac Gautier, Château de Didonne, BNIC, La Cognatheque/Cognac On-line and Comite National des Pineau des Charentes were among many which provided apprenticeship for the graduates. |
02/11/98 | BNIC readies its web site for December '98 debut (www.bnic.fr). All eyes and ears are focused on it with expectations running high. |
01/11/98 | 2nd edition of La Nuit du Cognac doubled the attendance to over 800 people with a significant increase in over-30 age group. Nearly 40 Cognac producers donated their products making it one of the best local promotions in years. Bravo Pierre and his team! |
30/10/98 | La Nuit du Cognac, second edition of this event organized by Conception Dynamique (Carole, Sonia, Mathieu, Pierre & Olivier), takes place on 31 October in Segonzac at the Salle des Alambics in Segonzac. 23 different Cognac producers offers their products, lots of music and fun. A great event! See last years pictures here. |
29/10/98 | Cognac Courvoisier parent, Allied Domecq reports encouraging, strong financials. It continues to pursue a deal with Seagram, parent of Cognac Martell. Will we see Courvoisier and Martell in the same group? And which one? (FT 28/20/98) |
29/10/98 | For the Cognac industry all roads lead to Paris ... and in the meantime Jens Larsen and Mme Avoire are the leading candidates for the Presidency of BNIC. A clause restricting elections of the President to the 34 members of the BNIC board, should be suspend it for 2 years and an outsider should be appointed President. Cognac industry and the BNIC need new and fresh approach, new ideas and less local compromises. |
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30/10/98 | La Nuit du Cognac, second edition of this event organized by Conception Dynamique (Carole, Sonia, Mathieu, Pierre & Olivier), takes place on 31 October in Segonzac at the Salle des Alambics in Segonzac. 23 different Cognac producers offers their products, lots of music and fun. A great event! See 1997 pictures here. |
29/10/98 | Cognac Courvoisier parent, Allied Domecq reports encouraging, strong financials. It continues to pursue a deal with Seagram, parent of Cognac Martell. Will we see Courvoisier and Martell in the same group? And which one? (FT 28/20/98) |
29/10/98 | For the Cognac industry all roads lead to Paris ... and in the meantime Jens Larsen and Mme Avoire are the leading candidates for the Presidency of BNIC. A clause restricting elections of the President to the 34 members of the BNIC board, should be suspend it for 2 years and an outsider should be appointed President. Cognac industry and the BNIC need new and fresh approach, new ideas and less local compromises. |
28/10/98 | 34 members of the BNIC Board of Directors (17 each representing producers/viticulture and traders/négoce, respectively) have a daunting tasks ahead of them to elect a new President of BNIC. Jacques Guibé, an outgoing President, leaves the job on the 15 of December '98. At this very delicate time for the Cognac industry it would be wise to adopt some simple rules re: BNIC Presidency; elect for maximum one, three year term a President and Vice President, each representing opposite activity (viticulture - négoce), rotate them each new election. As the industry needs much calming down of the rhetoric, rebuilding its relation with both Prefects and implementing some hard choices, Torula News believes that a special, two year term for a professional from outside of the Cognac industry, preferably a foreigner, would be the most pragmatic choice. Its time for some drastic choices and decisions. Electing a President of BNIC is one of them. |
26/10/98 | Château de Beaulon expands its Moulin de la Grange product line from Fine et Délicate VSOP Cognac to Pineaux des Charentes' white, red and Très Vieux. Prince Hubert de Polignac introduces 20 cl AC Adventure Cognac at 40% vol. as a base for long drinks. Smart shelve positioning finds this product among vodkas. |
26/10/98 | Since our June '98 story on avalanche of new Cognac based products, Torula News kept a watch for another wave of new products. And here they are. We are both amused and disappointed; lots of creativity but also a devaluation of Cognac in disguises of new products. For example: Aperitif Pétillant au Cognac from Sarl Lys which contains 30% Cognac, 20% sugar cane and 3g/l carbonation; Midday which is 50% Cognac Petite Champagne and wine distillate; Aperitif Charentais Pinokio which is a mix of Pineau des Charentes, Cognac and exotic aromas at 20% volume. These and many similar products are now at the French supermarkets at very high prices and no promotional campaigns. Is this another dead-end for Cognac? |
24/10/98 | X.O Magazine, a reincarnation of an old Magazine du Cognac Planete X.O., made its debut on the newsstands in France. Much improved on the editorial side, more slanted towards fashions and deluxe products, its Cognac coverage features an interview with Claire Coates of BNIC, Philippe Gay' article on Cognac markets and number of Cognac product ads. A big retro step for the magazine in the coverage of Cognac is to revert to the official party line as dictated by BNIC. Not a single medium to small producer of Cognac is mentioned in this issue. A great opportunity to present all of the Cognac industry is wasted again. Let's see what the next issue brings re: Cognac. |
24/10/98 | Harvest in the Cognac region is coming to the end with smaller yields and an average sugar/alcohol content. Several Fête de Vendanges celebrations are held across the region in subdued and somber tones. |
24/10/98 | J.M. Deau and Hennessy show the way in aggressive pricing and promotional activities in the Cognac region. This clearly points the way to increased sales of Cognac in France and to start competing against whiskies on the pricing level. J.M. Deau priced its complete Cognac product line at the low end of the pricing range while Hennessy came up with an enticing F30 at the cashier rebate scheme for their VS. Right approach to reclaim a French market for Cognac. Check here our quarterly retail price summary. |
23/1098 | SIAL'98 ended yesterday in Paris. 110,000 food and beverage professional visitors view some 2000 exhibitors from around the world. Wine, beer, whisky, armagnac and brandy were well represented. Cognac was not.Torula News found the following Cognac producers present: Unicognac, H.Mounier/Unicoop, GCF' Cognac Comte Joseph, Lise Baccara and Domaine Castel Sablons. Congratulations to them and a big question is to be raised, where were BNIC, Poitou Charentes region stand and 500+ other Cognac producers. French Chambers of Commerce and their Promotion Committees organized a special introduction of new products. Among them were beer from Corsica, non-alcoholic Champagne, Saumur Champigny wine from Loire but not a single product form the Cognac region. No Furio Long Drink (although, it was displayed at the H.Mounier stand), no Urb'n Extra Young, no Felixy, no La Guignette, no Crème & Cognac, and many, many others. While we admired Unicognac' ONA XO Fine Champagne packaging, we were told that it is not possible to taste it as the content on the display is fake. But they quickly added that their Ansac Cognac product line is the fifth selling brand in the USA. How about that for marketing approach? |
23/10/98 | Representatives of the Cognac industry had a preliminary meeting yesterday in Paris with the officials at the Ministry of Agriculture. Next meeting is scheduled for 15 November. With a new Minister and new appointments in his office, it was understandable that yesterday's meeting was one of mutual courtesy. This additional time should be taken for developing more in-depth and long term plan for re-structuring this industry; lower or grant outright exemption from taxes across the board for a period of up to 5 years, liberate eaux-de-vie purchasing programs, restructure BNIC, change AOC to allow marketing of Cognac Blanc, improve quality of the product through stringent approval methods, develop generic, global Cognac promotion and advertising campaign, invest in business and marketing training of the small and medium size bottlers of Cognac, re-examine role of ORECO, develop futures (MATIF) market etc. In short: get the show on the road. |
23/10/98 | 1905 Vintage Champagne Heidsick bottles were auctioned yesterday, at about $4500 per bottle, by Christie's in London. They were salvaged, recently, from the Swedish boat Jonkoping that sunked in 1916 in the Baltic Sea together with the barrels of Cognac. The salvage company expects similar prices for the bottled Cognac, once the process of "refurbishing" it at the Cognac Bisquit in Rouillac is completed. Check Torula News coverage on this story in prior months. |
21/10/98 | Jean Glavany, a veteran of Mitterand administrations, takes over the French Ministry of Agriculture at the time of a major confidence crisis in the Cognac region. Will he be pro-viticulteurs? Will he have enough cloud to obtain tax and financial concession on behalf of Cognac industry? Will he financially and politically support the necessary restructuring and promotion of Cognac? First round of negotiations between Paris and the Cognac industry begins tomorrow. |
20/10/98 | Tax Free World Exhibition opened in Cannes, France yesterday expecting nearly 6000 visitors viewing goods presented by over 500 exhibitors, among them several Cognac producers. An interesting concept of Internet based pre-ordering has been introduced at www.dutyfreeguide.com . Europe leads in duty free shopping followed by Americas and Asia. Heathrow Airport followed by Silja Line and Honolulu Airport are the leading duty free shopping locations. One key question is being debated: "Will the intra-European Union duty free sales end on the 30 June 1999, be postponed or the whole idea scrapped? There are many voices heard that the effect of ending duty free sales in EU will be less devastating that initially thought and that liquor and tobacco products will be hardest hit. (IHT20/10/98) |
19/10/98 | As the harvest nears the end, blues descends on the Cognac region. A series of tense meetings at major Cognac Houses (i.e. Hennessy, Martell), several terminations among the marketing people, lack of major, global advertising and promotion campaign about the product, upcoming (22/10) negotiations with Paris and a very confused French market for Cognac (flood of low quality products, many "Cognac based mixes" like products and high prices and small shelves space vs. whisky). And finally to add oil to a fire; a 4 pages insert in Sud Ouest, a local newspaper, by the Poitou-Charentes Region fails to mention Cognac, Pineau des Charentes or Vins de Pays Charentais. The only bright spot on the horizon is Le Cognac en Fêtes ! and a few medium and small size producers who concentrate on quality and value pricing and accepted globalization of market.. |
17/10/98 | "Le Cognac en Fêtes ! " - brilliant idea of promoting cognac in Paris at the Gare Maine-Montparnasse from 31 October till 8 November '98. This worthwhile event is co-sponsored by BNIC and Bouilleurs de cru des Charentes. We need to see more of such promotions across France and, at least, in other capitals of Europe.See our 29/09/98 story. |
17/10/98 | Aperitif Magazine in Oslo, Norway conducted recently a professional tasting of XO cognacs. The winner was Frapin VIP XO Grande Champagne followed by Bache Gabrielsen XO Fine Champagne and Hardy XO Rare Bronze Fine Champagne. For details check their results page. |
16/10/98 | Seagram, parent of Cognac Martell, sold its two big name champagne product lines; Mumm and Perrier-Jouët. Is this the beginning of spirits divestiture or just trend following recent champagne portfolio reshuffles. |
15/10/98 | LVMH, parent of Cognac Hennessy, reported 8% revenue drop in the first nine months of 1998 blaming it on the duty free and Asian markets sales drop. Immidiately, cognac region swirled with a rumor that Moet-Hennessy group is on the block. |
13/10/98 | Theme bars and restaurants fashion is to be exploited by City of Cognac based businesses. Cognac Cafe, launched this summer, looks to expand abroad through franchising their concept. La Cognatheque, a quality, traditional store, thinks of franchising as well. And, in Scandinavia, Bar1 in Oslo is accepting franchise proposal, today. Great ideas, bad timing but with perseverance they might have a winner! Will the ownership change as well, it some of those businesses? |
13/10/98 | Just as the Cognac growers and producers returned from the barricades to a rainy harvest, high school students went on strike in the City of Cognac. This action is in support of a coordinated national strike by French students. |
12/10/98 | Cognac Martell introduced new product Reserve de Martell (single harvest, single Borderies cru) which retails in the UK at £20 a bottle. It is positioned a notch above Martell VS. It is targeted at young buyers. |
11/10/98 | World press coverage of the cognac depressed markets continues... It also highlights a schism between traditionalists (who believe mixing cognac with fruit juices, tonic, coke etc. is plainly wrong) and BNIC, (which blindly follows the big Four Cognac Houses), which promotes cognac with various mixes. At the same time, BNIC refuses to re-define rules of cognac appellation to allow for example, White Cognac at 12 months age. This would make sense as it would target white spirits market (i.e. vodka, rum) that has captured significant market share of the young and new buyers.(From the UK, Reuters, Australia, FT and the USA press) |
10/10/98 | New Armenian brandy, Mesrob Mashtots, produced in Armenia, bottled in France will arrive on the American shelves shortly before Christmas '98. A globalization at its best! |
10/10/98 | 2nd "La Nuit du Cognac" is scheduled for 31 October in Segonzac. After a big success last year, Pierre Forgeron and his team are working hard better last year success of 400 paying guests who sampled cognacs from 26 producers and 'negotiants'. For more details email: 11332111@compuserve.com For last year photos, click here. |
08/10/98 | Juillac-le-Coq in Grande Champagne cru is a site of a new telefilm for France 2. 30 technicians and 12 actors are filming in the region for the first time since 1994, with an assistance from young, local viticulteurs. |
06/10/98 | A misguided work stoppage...This time at Cognac Martell head office in Cognac, where 250 union workers protested, for one hour, against Seagram investment strategies. |
05/10/98 | Grape harvest started in the Cognac region, with some delaying it for another week. A rainy weather expected throughout. |
04/10/98 | Alain Braastad of Cognac Delamain, has been elected to the Academie Saintonge in Saintes. A good addition to the cultural Academy of the region. |
03/10/98 | After 4 days and 3 nights, protests and blockades are over in the Cognac region. Viticulteurs start the harvest on Monday and the negotiations are to be continued at the end of October. No winners, no losers just a lot of frustrated viticulteurs. In the meantime, search for solution continues but no one has the strength and conviction to radically change this industry. While the big Cognac houses attempt to "tighten the belt", viticulteurs face a difficult season of harvest, distillation and production with overall drop in revenues estimated at 25-30%. |
03/10/98 | The International Spirits Challenge organized by Wine Magazine, held in London in May of this year, finally released official results. Big winners were: Armagnac: Sempé 1963, Bourbon: Very Olde St Nick 20 Y.O., Cognac: Château Fontpinot Grande Champagne, Gin: Tanqueray London Gin, Fruit Liqueurs: Pages-vedrenne, Rum - dark: El Dorado 15 Y.O., Rum - white: Wray&Nephew White Overproof, Vodka: Van Hoo, Scotch blends (12 years +): Ballantine's 30 yo, Scotch blends (11 years old and under): The Royal & Ancient, Single Malts (12 years old +): Lagavulin Distiller's Edition, Single Malts (12 years old and under): Safeway Islay 10 y.o. Once again, Cognac Frapin wins the big one! Nice showing by Courvoisier across all qualities! For more details check Industry Awards page. (Wine Magazine - 10/98 / Torula News) |
02/10/98 | German language Swiss magazine Vinum in its September issue reviews web sites covering cognac. Sites mentioned are: www.le-cognac.com , www.cognac-world.com, www.swfrance.com, www.cognactoyou.com, www.remy.com, www.remy.de, www.courvoisier.com and www.reff-art.com. (Vinum, September 1998) |
01/10/98 | Press outside of the region covers protest in the Cognac region: Financial Times, The International Herald Tribune, La Tribune and others. |
01/10/98 | In September '98, www.swfrance.com registered over 20,000 visitors. See site visitors page. |
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29/09/98 | Protests continue in the Cognac region with blockades tightening around City of Cognac and Jarnac, today. While Paris is silent, viticulteurs are determined to be heard for the nth time. Their determination is admirable but the timing of their protest may not be. All sides of the conflict know that they will be returning to their vineyards early next week to begin harvest. August or beginning of September would have been a better time to protest. Time, then, would have been on their side. MODEF, in a sign of solidarity with other unions, joined the protest with a massive tire burning campaign. |
29/09/98 | From 31/10 to 11/11, at the Gare Montparnasse in Paris there will be a major promotion of Cognac organized by the "Bouilleurs de Cru" (Distillers). Mr. Pascal Millasseau and his colleagues are to be congratulated. (Charente Libre 29/09/98) |
29/09/98 | After Danish, Slovak and now BBC television visits to the region, Cognac awareness is building up in Europe. All is needed now is for TF1 or Canal + to visit the region. Consumption of Cognac in France is insignificant! When? |
28/09/98 | The objective of isolating City of Cognac and obstructing access to 8 other towns in the Cognac region succeeded as of 10:30 this morning. Three key demands of the protesters are: urgent financial assistance in the areas of grape growing and distillation, restructuring of prices and increased promotion budget. Fair demands that have been on the table for some time. However, protesting against Hennessy is ill conceived and against free market economy. A major part of the solution to the Cognac problems lies in the free market economy, lower taxation, increased productivity, improved promotion and advertising, and easier access to investment capital. |
28/09/98 | Just when Cognac needs lots of positive publicity, R.W. Apple Jr. of the New York Times Service publishes a personal ode to Calvados. He quotes Marcel Proust and A.J. Liebling in support of his preference of Calvados over Cognac. We must, however, agree with his choice of the best makers of Calvados: Roger Groult Company and Adrien Camut. Torula News staff prefers Cognac! (IHT 19-20/09/98) |
26/09/98 | September 1998 issue of Vinum Magazine has an excellent coverage of Cognac; history, process, current situation and tasting results. Among many cognac producers mentioned and quoted, we noticed A. Hardy, Otard, Delamain, Forgeron, Paul Giraud, Ragnaud-Sabourin, Rémy Martin, Camus. Magazine cover is graced with a photo of Patrick Peyrelongue of Cognac Delamain and this quote: "Der wahre Cognac kennt keine krise" ("This crisis helps to sell quality Cognac"). We hope that Mr. Peyrelongue is right! (Vinum 09/98) |
26/09/98 | Expect hot Monday in Cognac region when 5-6000 frustrated viticulteurs (some unions already refusing to participate) are to block roads and train tracks leading to the 9 main towns in the region (Burie, Matha, Chaniers, Pons, Archiac, Chateuneuf, Jarnac, Segonzac and Rouillac). It is expected that the main focus of their frustration will be directed at Hennessy for introducing Irish Whisky to the Japanese market under their brand name. It is true that many have suffered some 30-40% drops in their revenues, that they are frustrated by slow responses or lack of action from BNIC and the Ministry of Agriculture but protesting and taking their frustration against a business decision leads to nowhere! Wrong target, wrong reason to protest. (Charente Libre/Torula News) |
24/09/98 | Amid the Asian crisis, cognac producers are missing one great opportunity - India. This second most populous country in Asia, is booming with some economists and government predicting GDP growth rate at around 6%. Here is a country where production and consumption of brandy is at all time high and yet we are not hearing about any major attempts to sell cognac there. Granted, it is not an easiest country to do business in but it is one where opportunities exist. (The Economist/Torula News) |
24/09/98 | Last 2 weeks among the big Cognac Houses were very tense. Many have had serious discussions and started to take action to tighten their operations, to cut the costs. Among them, for example, Hennessy, Courvoisier, Otard and Rémy Martin. Saving office space by doubling or tripling number of people in the offices, eliminating duplication in their administrations and offering early retirement packages, eliminating stand alone distribution networks in favor of joint ventures, selling non-strategic assets and so on. But what we have not heard is layoffs (not popular in France but necessary in Cognac industry), cutting and consolidating travel (especially 1st and business class, leave on Monday return on Friday), eliminating Paris offices when a full fledged head offices exist in Cognac and improving product quality. And finally, rather than cutting advertising budgets there is a need to increase them! So, the prospects for improvement are still only 50-50. |
23/09/98 | While Cognac industry protests (see 19/09/98 story), Armagnac industry takes a positive step in tackling industry problems that are very similar to cognac ones. The initiative that will be voted by the armagnac industry in November calls for, among other things, changing the qualities definition and labeling of Armagnac; Blanche de Armagnac (white Armagnac), young and not aged in the oak casks, Armagnac, aged 2 - 5 years, Vieille Armagnac, aged 5 years or more and Vintage Armagnac aged 10 years plus. Labels will be changed to distance armagnac presentation from cognac and single malt scotch. Transition period will be 3 years from the date of approval. Good move showing the dynamism of the Armagnac industry. (Torula News exclusive) |
20/09/98 | Highland Distillers and Rémy Cointreau, are consolidating their respective channels of distribution. This means that Highland, with its leading single malt scotch The Macallan, will also sell Rémy Martin Cognac. Rémy distribution network has effectively cease to exist with this arrangement as well as with an earlier pact with Bacardi-Martini to form Triados. In part, it is the fallout from establishment of Diageo but we believe, it is also, one last desperate move by Rémy Cointreau to get a better positioning for its cognac. (FT/Torula News) |
19/09/98 | Major manifestation by cognac viticulteurs is scheduled for 28/09/98 in Cognac. Five competing unions agree to participate with 5000 out of over 9000 members expected to be present. Purpose is to vent members anger at BNIC. Wrong method, wrong forum and after a status quo BNIC elections in July, a misguided effort. |
18/09/98 | Michel Bonnin of Logis de la Montagne introduces Angel Night. Perfectly packaged Fine Blonde de Fins Bois (Fine oak-aged Cognac) is 40% vol. cognac from Fins Bois cru, pure and perfect. Shortly coming to this web site. Can be tasted on 7 October at La Ribaudière Restaurant in Bourg Charente at 19:30 during the Cognac Pleasure Tastings Amateur gathering. |
17/09/98 | Christian Maîtreau, Director of Packaging at UNICOOP, introduced new packaging concept for year 2000. Under the mark of Prince Hubert de Polignac with target markets in Hong Kong, China, Holland, Finland, England and Canada, a distinct carafe and bottles with various 'time' themes in serigraphy should carry the faltering sales of Unicoop to better times. Expect this packaging on the French shelves in mid-October. (Sud-Ouest) |
17/09/98 | BNIC accepts Ministry of Agriculture 1998-99 proposal; 6 hectoliters of alcohol per one hectare of vineyard plus other details. Much tinkering, lots of meetings but no major decisions to help the industry. For example, free the market, lower taxes on eaux-de-vie, improve product quality etc.! (Sud-Ouest/Torula News) |
15/09/98 | Bar 1 in Oslo, Norway offers over 100 Cognacs. On the 28/09/98 in Oslo, Bar 1 conducts tasting of A. Hardy Cognacs. All are welcomed! |
14/09/98 | Jacques Rouvière and his crew at Cognac Bisquit are working hard to re-process and salvage 80+ years old cognac recovered from the Baltic Sea. See previous stories about this cognac salvage operation (03/08/98 etc.). |
14/09/98 | Cognac Godet and SNCF (Paris-La Rochelle route) and Château de Didonne Equinoxe at the Grand Prix de Royan (sailing) are tiny examples of brave and smart producers, excluding the Grande Marquees, who advertise! Congratulations! |
12/09/98 | 10th Floralies de Cognac, a flower show in the public gardens of the Cognac City Hall, is underway with Rémy Martin and J. Brard-Blanchard stands representing Cognac producers. The new couple, Rémy Cognac and Tonic under the name of REMYX mixing moments, leads the way. Good graphics but an awkward message. |
11/09/98 | Yet another group of viticulteurs (about 150 strong), Solidarité et Avenir, occupied BNIC offices today, in a friendly manner to protest Hennessy Whisky strategy. A major manifestation is planned for the end of September uniting all of the viticulteurs groups. But, 3 months after BNIC elections, this efforts are a bit too little and too late. Using Hennessy issue is just an excuse for lack of proper effort to change the course of the Cognac industry at the ballot box. |
10/09/98 | Rémy Martin wins ahead of Hennessy and the 4th place Martell in the annual water jousting competition on the river Charente in Cognac. |
08/09/98 | Hennessy continues to dominate Cognac news... Will BNIC sue Hennessy over the Hennessy Whisky? In an ongoing row over Hennessy decision to sell Irish whisky produced by Cooley Distillery in Dublin under the name of Hennessy Irish Whisky, BNIC, on behalf of cognac industry may file a lawsuit claiming that Hennessy name is too closely associated with cognac to be used in selling other spirits. In other words, BNIC lawsuit will try to prevent use of name association of Hennessy and whisky. It is rather an intellectual war than a sound business practice. Does BNIC expects Hennessy to use a name like LVMH Irish Whisky? Finally, LVMH is the 6th largest spirits company in the world. Businesses, if successful, must operate in the free market conditions and should take all advantages possible to succeed. How much lost business can other cognac producers expect from this new product? We believe, none! Any cannibalization that will occur will affect Hennessy Cognac. And, Hennessy people are astute businessmen who know that it is worth it. Furthermore, Hennessy is a company name and not an appellation. So, should Rémy Martin be sued for mixing cognac & vodka into a Rémy Platinum product or should L & L be sued for producing XO Beer? Of course, not! Business is business. BNIC money will be better spend on improved marketing and communication campaigns that decisively promotes Cognac. (Charente Libre, Torula News) |
08/09/98 | Yesterday, Hennessy announced new product, a limited edition in Baccarat carafe, for the Japanese market under the name of Cognac Hennessy First Landing 1868. This product is a blend of eaux-de-vie dating back to 1865. It shows how a dynamic team led by Christophe Navarre, Hennessy President, is responding to the Asian crisis, an in particular, falling cognac sales in Japan. Since June'98, Hennessy has introduced 7 new cognac products (we still question giving "Pure White" name to Cognac targeted at the US market) plus an Irish whisky. Offense is the best defense in any markets. (Sud Ouest, Torula News) |
07/09/98 | September 98 issue of Capital shows Diageo as the number 1 spirit producing group with LVMH in the 6th place. Bacardi Rum leads Smirnoff Vodka and the Johnnie Walker Red Label in the top 10 spirits brands. No Cognac brand mad it to the top 10. Regretfully in France, there is no cognac among the top 10 brands sold. Pastis Ricard, Martini Vermouth and Pastis 51 are the top 3 brands. More marketing is needed to increase cognac market share in France, which today is at about 3%. (Capital, Torula News) |
07/09/98 | Led by new products like Hennessy's Pure White (right product, wrong name), Martell's &CO and Rémy Martin's Rémy Platinum, major Cognac producers are trying to stop declining Asian market. New packaging from Courvoisier (Millennium 2000), Martell (Odys), Rémy Martin's (Trek and Sea-Line) and Hennessy (Kenzo) and re-targeting the audience (for example,women), is the answer from the major Cognac houses which represent about 80% of Cognac exports to Asia. With Sean Connery (Courvoisier) leading the new cognac advertising campaigns there is a reason for optimism. But other markets like Americas, Europe (especially Central Europe) and Russia don't stand still and need to be cultivated as well. (Capital, Torula News) |
04/09/98 | More visitors from more countries are using www.swfrance.com. In the month of August, this site registered another record of over 15,000 visits. |
03/09/98 | In depth look at the store shelves in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic revealed that Cognac is out numbered by major spirits in a ratio of approximately 1 cognac bottle for 25 whiskies and 15 vodkas. While whiskies are very well represented by a mix of blends and single malts/barrels, Cognac is almost only represented by the blends. In Prague, for example, we found: Rémy Martin, Martell, Hennessy, Courvoisier, Marie Brizard&Roger, Davidoff, Camus, Prunier, Larsen, Meukow and Marnier. Single crus were from Lheraud, Delamain and Hine, only. In Bratislava, Camus, Martell, Hennessy, Bisquit, Manier, Brugereolle, Meukow, Comte Joseph Fine Cognac and Rémy Martin were the only blends on the shelves. Random survey of customers revealed an interest in single crus and in Napoleon quality in both countries. Majority of blends on shelves were of VS and VSOP quality with very few top end qualities. Cognac industry could definitely do better! |
01/09/98 | Cognac
well represented at the Food & Hotel exhibition in Shanghai, China led by a strong
delegation of Poitou Charentes politicians and Cognac producers. ![]() |
25/08/98 | Radio Europe 1 produced a live program on Cognac industry and its small to medium producers and the Internet. Live interviews included Patricia Sabourin-Reif of Les Cognacs Ragnaud-Sabourin. Main theme of the program was how the Internet helps Cognac producers. The www.swfrance.com was also featured in this program. |
20/08/98 | Harvest in the Cognac region maybe delayed till mid-October. "We need more sun" was the unanimous outcry among the viticulteurs when surveyed by the Torula News team. |
17/08/98 | Rolling Stones' Voodoo Lounge, a newly opened theme club-restaurant in London, offers a wide range of top of the line brandies; Cognacs and Armagnacs are prominently featured. |
13/08/98 | Over 15,000 Internet users visited www.swfrance.com in July 1998. Thank you! |
12/08/98 | Torula News team spent several days in the heart of the Scotch whisky region. In depth analysis, interviews with distillers and Master Blenders and overview of both, Cognac and Scotch whisky industries is coming. Watch our web pages for a full report! At the Craigellachie Hotel, which is located in the center of Speyside, (a Grande Champagne cru of single malts) we found a few Cognacs proudly carrying the flag of Charentes. We salute them: Courvoisier VS & VSOP, Delamain Pale & Dry, Martell Cordon Bleu, Rémy Martin VSOP, Hennessy XO and Pierre Ferrand Ambre. |
11/08/98 | BNIC comments on Hennessy proposed sales of Irish whisky. Too little, too late and addressing the wrong subject, once again BNIC, instead of taking the lead, has been harking back to the old ways or keeping up the status quo. The markets move forward, the buying public makes choices influenced by advertising and the globalization is here to stay. BNIC spends precious advertising money on full page adds in the local Sud Ouest newspaper rather than in a national or international campaigns. It continues to promote "cognac on ice" forgetting the uniqueness and quality of Cognac. Differentiate, reposition, get a new advertising campaign - customers do not wait! We applaud Hennessy new bold step and remind BNIC that all of the big houses sell whiskies one way or the other; Seagram, (parent of Martell), Allied Domecq (parent of Courvoisier), Pernod Ricard (parent of Renault Bisquit), Rémy Cointereau (parent of Rémy Martin) and others. |
8-9/08/98 | 1998 Portes Ouvertes - Pineau des Charentes. 110 producers of Pineau des Charentes welcomes visitors to taste, to enjoy it and to buy it! In addition to the tastings, many producers offer various attractions; from collection cars to paintings and charentais meals. |
03/08/98 | The mystery is over. 67 barrels at 600 liters each, have been recovered from the Jonkoping ship that was sunk in 1916 by the German submarine. Cognac producer, that sold this to the Tsar's Army in Finland, was a predecessor of the Renault-Bisquit which now has a task to re-process it as the quality is poor due to the sipage. The salvage company still expects to auction it at $8000 per bottle. The other liquid cargo, 1907 Heidsieck champagne bottles are in a perfect condition and will be auctioned at a minimum price of $3000 per bottle. Let the auction gavel decide the right price! |
2/08/98 | Blues Festival "Blues Passions" in Cognac, which ended today, saw a continuing success of Cognac J. Painturaud sales at the main festival venue while the big cognac houses continued to rely on local bars for their Festival sales. With a bit of initiative and lots of hard work, Cognac J. Painturaud proves that a small producer can successfully compete with the big boys. |
1/08/98 | Cognac
Hennessy, a world leading producer of cognac will begin selling whisky in October
1998. It will be an Irish whisky, a single malt of the highest quality. Initial target
market is Japan and the Suntory whisky products. Good move which raises a
question: Is Moet Hennessy (part of the LVMH Group) on the way to become
a truly integrated spirits company or is this yet another ill conceived defensive move by
a major Cognac house? We believe it is the first option. (Torula News
sources & Sud Ouest 30/07/98) ![]() |
28/07/98 | Luc de Casabianca (formerly of Pellison, Père Magloire) becomes new President at the Cognac Hine. Patrice Quatravaux moves up to be adviser on strategic development for the President of Hennessy (parent of Cognac Hine) Christophe Navarre. |
28/07/98 | With 29 votes out of 33, a compromise plan of little tinkering but no real action has been approved by the newly elected BNIC board. To top it off, BNIC President has been re-elected under somewhat vague idea that they will try a new presidential election in December. Status quo continues while the Cognac industry gets dropped by the peleton. |
27/07/98 | Remy Cointreau SA, parent of Rémy Martin Cognac, reports 1Q sales increase of 9.4% from a previous year. Revenue from wine, liqueur and other drinks offset decline in Cognac revenue. (IHT 25-26/07/98) |
23/07/98 | Pernod Ricard SA, parent of Cognac Renault Bisquit, cuts its distribution ties with Diageo and puts greater emphasis on selling whiskies. Where does that leave Renault Bisquit? (IHT 22/07/98) |
23/07/98 | Cognac Gautier in Aigre opens its cellars to the public in a beautiful setting of the old windmill. Bilingual visits, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 14:00 and 15:30 are free. (Charente Libre, Julien Rousset 23/07/98) |
17/07/98 | Rémi Landier introduces the rage of summer "La Guignette"; low alcohol, red fruits aromas, white wine base. Check it out! |
16/07/98 | Cognac André Petit amateur tasting results are now available, tasters from 6 countries participated. Click here! |
15/07/98 | Demand for Cognac in Japan increases as seen by new orders though smaller in size than in the past. Taiwan's stand off between importers and the tax authority continues to affect new orders. |
14/07/98 | Check The New York Times coverage of the Basille Day and the Pineau des Charentes by William Grims (08/07/98) and more to come. |
13/07/98 | We, now, know the identity of sunken 5000 bottles of Champagne - Heidsieck. Cognac identity of 67 barrels at 600 liters each is still unknown. What we know is that the Swedish salvage company plans to bottle it into 80,000 bottles and auction it off. Verbal battle over the pricing of champagne has began; salvage company expects about $3000 but Christie's say it is in a couple of hundred dollars range per bottle. For more check date line 07/07/98. |
10/07/98 | New President of BNIC to be elected on the 27 July 1998. He needs imagination, strong will, lots of marketing and management skills! Great opportunity not to be wasted! |
09/07/98 | Vins de Pays Charentais, made of the same grapes as Cognac and in practically the same region is making comeback! Improved quality, new producers and a new, bright marketing campaign all helped. |
07/07/98 | Swedish Baltic Wreck Jonkoping AB has won the right in the Finnish Court, to recover the sunk vessel with, among others, 67 barrels at 600 liters each, of Cognac. The 1916 sinking saga may come to an end in the Botnic Bay very soon. But who sold this Cognac to the Tsar's army? Check our June'98 and January'98 items. (Mikael Bergstrom, Jonkoping Posten) See http://atle.abc.se/~m10354/mar/press/champ-en.htm |
04/07/98 | In a continuing, half-hearted effort UNICOOP is restructuring itself. But the past 2 years of this effort brought no visible improvements. Time to cut the losses and take bold steps: fewer employees, fewer distilleries, and improve the quality and marketing. The Asian situation nor the losses of Scandinavian markets are good excuses for a badly run business. |
04/07/98 | Among many Cognac companies swimming in the red ink, Torula News hears of one with 18.3% increase in sales with a very positive impact on the company profits. Well done! |
03/07/98 | 54.8% voted of the 7,323
eligible viticulteurs and other professionals in the BNIC elections.
Results expected tonight. ![]() |
30/06/98 | The most important BNIC election is on 3rd July. All 7000+ viticulteurs need to vote and the unions who call for the boycott should be ignored. You want a change, you need to vote. That's democracy! Burning tires is not an answer. |
29/06/98 | Pineau des Charentes marketing campaign gets a new look; much better than a previous one but putting its image into association with the sea is a bit risky and somewhat limited. Welcome to Pineau Country reminds us of a very successful web site by Courvoisier; State of Courvoisier. |
22/06/98 | Rémy Martin 1738 Accord Royal has been launched in the UK. The name of the new Cognac reflects history when the Royal warrant was given to Mr. Rémy Martin for making the best Cognacs in the world. This is a 12 years old eaux-de-vie but it contains some of the 25 years olds as well. It is positioned between VSOP and XO Special. It is smooth, with a higher proportion of lees used in distillation. An innovative, quality product! |
21/06/98 | URB'N XY Extra Young makes it debut in Cognac to a fabulous reception at Cognac Café and at La Maison Blanche. At 12 months old; on the rocks, with coke or tonic, it is quiet an arrival! (See related items on 15/05/98 and 14/05/98). |
20/06/98 | Sales increrased 6%, loss for the year 1997-98 reached 621 million French Francs (about $103 millions) at Rémy Cointreau. Blaming high dollar, operational write-offs and 9.3% drop in the sales of Rémy Martin Cognac, the management has an optimistic outlook for the future. We think that the time has come to sell certain assets (why to have 3 champagne products, for example), reduce employment, lower prices and increase advertising expenditure. Sounds too American? No, it sounds like a good business strategy! But the rumours of imminent company sale and/or merger persist. |
20/06/98 | Prix François 1er Award for deluxe packaging in the Charme et Elegance category was awarded to Federico Restrepo in association with Baccarat. Rémy Martin Cognac won in the category Saveurs Gourmandes for its 1738 Accord Royal. This was the 7th year of this awards which are sponsored by IFEC in conjunction with the exhibition titled "Luxury and Packaging" held in Cognac, France on the 10-11 June 1998. (Christine Croizet). For more see Packaging. |
19/06/98 | A small avalanche of email folowed up our story of 17/06/98 on the working hours restrictions in France. We have been reminded of Herman Kahn's book published in 1967 "The year 2000". He, than, forecasted a 30 hours work week and 13 weeks paid vacation per year. Well, we know of France and Sweden only, that are trying to reach Herman Kahn's forecast! How will it affect Cognac production? |
18/06/98 | Over 700 exhibitors from 31 countries concluded today a 3-day event in Hong Kong (an Asian version of Vinexpo), in a very oprtimistic mood despite Asian financial crisis. Cognac was represented by, among others, A.E.Dor, Frapin, de Luze, Louis Royer and the Grande Marques. Main effort of the big Cognac houses was targeted at China, others spread their sales pitches through out the region. Once again, we note, lack of more imaginative marketing and pricing strategies among the Cognac producers. Why not to lower the price (VS, VSOP), stop boring the world with Long Drink option (it promotes Schweppes more than the Cognac?) and get into sponsoring events (where permitted)? The high end Cognacs (XO and above) will continue their steady and slow sales. The marketing campaigns, the exhibition presentations are mirrors of how things are done in France. Cognac is a French product but the markets in Europe, Asia or Americas demand a complete change in strategy... |
17/06/98 | Based on quick survey among the viticulteurs, we belive that they work 50 to 60 hours a week or more. Accordingly, they do not meet French government latest work hours limit of 35 hours per week. Will the 420 government inspectors soon start visiting producers of Cognac, like they have done with Alcatel, SGS-Thomson etc? If this happens, we can than start talking about crisis in the Cognac industry. Poor marketing and the market inefficiencies are the main cause of the current Cognac market problems. Asian financial crisis only accentuated the obvious! |
13/06/98 | The battle for 40,000 liters of Cognac is heating up in the Baltic Sea. Claes Bergvall of the Baltic Wreck Jonkoping AB, Sweden and Peter Fryckman of Finland and their divers and lawyers (of course) are trying to salvage the boat "Galeasen Jonkoping" and its content of Cognac, 5000 bottles of champagne and 6000 liters of wine. The boat was torpedoed in 1916 by the German U-boat (U22). Cognac and Champagne was being delivered to the Tsar's Army. The battle that will be fought in the courtrooms is about has the rights to this treasure.Claes Bergvall and his group already retrieved 500 champagne bottles that were found in a perfect condition. Torula News is ready to taste the Cognac! (Mikael Bergstrom, 26/5/98 Jonkoping Posten) |
12/06/98 | With Vinexpo underway in Hong Kong, Taiwan's Cognac amateurs are returning to the www.swfrance.com. In May, there were 647 visitors vs. 67 in April. Visitors from Japan, China and Singapore registered 10% increase, as well. Does it mean that the Asian doom and gloom in the Cognac markets is slowly fading? We hope so! |
11/06/98 | This weekend (13-14/06/98), Brotherhood of Franc-Pineau celebrates its 50th anniversary at the Château de La Rochefoucauld. (Sud-Ouest) Check the pictures from 13/06/98 celebration! |
10/06/98 | Hennessy exhibition titled "déclics & saveurs" opens 12 June to public, daily from 10:00 to 18:00. It ends 31/12/98. |
09/06/98 | While the soccer/football fever and the wave of strikes grips France, Vinexpo begins in Hong Kong later in the week, emptying Cognac boardrooms, chais and marketing rooms. Cognac decision makers are in Hong Kong hoping for some flicker of positive signs in the Asian markets. Once again, based on the increased traffic on the www.swfrance.com (second month in a row) from the Asian countries we already see this flicker of hope turning very slowly into increased sales. Meantime, at home, viticulteurs go on rampage and the management is represented by the ex-boss of Courvoisier seen fraternizing with the strikers. Does it all make sense? |
09/06/98 | Is France on strike? In addition to Air France pilots, bus drivers in Paris and Bordeaux, maintenance staff at the Roissy Airport in Paris (CDG) and the SNCF staff, Cognac viticulteurs unions went on blockade rampage in several key visible locations; Cognac, La Trache, St. Laurent de Cognac, Jarnac, Rouillac, Bassac, Châteaneuf and Le Forêt de Chardin. Only Archiac and Segonzac were spared. Demands are always the same: lower taxes, more government support etc. It was a poor timing to strike, not because of the World Cup Football that starts tomorrow but because the bosses are away. (See above). these are the same unions that insist that their membership abstains from voting in the July elections to the BNIC - we think it is a very bad and undemocratic advice! |
08/06/98 | Roman Akác, Director and Peter Pistanek, Writer of Gratex International concluded filming of a TV documentary on Cognac and the region. 15 cognac producers, Mayor of Cognac and the Director General of BNIC as well as Folklore Patois Group, Discotheque Vibration, La Maison du Cognac and couple of vine growers participated. The film and the subsidiary products is scheduled for European and North American release in 3Q99. |
06/06/98 | Flurry of new products are being introduced by Cognac producers trying to keep up with big Cognac Houses. All but A. Hardy Cognac' 20 cl Exclusive Fisherman's Flask of Extra Fine Champagne luck any originality. |
04/06/98 | Cognac House Tour Visit 1998 Silk Banner was awarded to Rémy Martin by the Torula News team. |
3/06/98 | Cognac has a medicinal value - new study, new revelation but it is the old idea rediscovered again. Check Doctor's Brandy or Doctor's Liqueur Brandy from Cognac Larsen, for example. |
2/06/98 | Nathalie Morlai appointed Manager, Marketing and Communication at the Comité National du Pineau des Charentes. |
02/06/98 | Cognac Frapin
wins 1998 London Challenge Tasting! ![]() |
28/05/98 | Finally! 22000 labels representing 1700 Cognac marks, 200 carafes, 300 glasses and many more items from a private collection of Paul Ronne are on display at the local library in Saint-Martial-sur-le-Né. Well done! Where was BNIC or City of Cognac to make this collection permanent and easier accessible to the visitors of the Cognac region? (Sud-Ouest/CM- 28/05/98) |
17/05/98 | Mr and Mrs Queron of Le Plantis des Vallées, introduced a full range of exciting new products; Cognac Nouveau Venu with a screw top as a base for long drink, 2 Pineaux (white and red) and Vin de Pays (Colombard and Cabernet Savignon). |
16/05/98 | Long awaited and much anticipated book on Cognac by Nicholas Faith has been delayed due to editorial disagreement according to the Torula News sources. |
16/05/98 | Cognac companies traded on the French Bourse showed significant advances led by Remy Cointreau group with 13% gain from previous week. |
15/05/98 | Christophe Navarre, President of Hennessy introduced 6 new cognacs with an emphatic statement: "Innovate...". Among them is the Pure White, young eau-de-vie to be experienced with ice. It is the first real attempt to compete with white spirits like gin and vodka. Great idea but what a terrible name, where were Hennessy marketing and PR people? So, when will we see Distillerie des Moisans' Extra Young Cognac, a white cognac, 12 months old approved?. (Le Tribune14/05/98) |
14/05/98 | Comite Colbert under the direction of Mme Dominique Heriard Debreuil (President of Rémy Martin) has opened an interactive exhibition in the Palais de la Decouverte under the title of "Theatre des Sens". Five senses go interactive on a variety of luxury products! But to real interact with Cognac visit Charentes! Great idea, great exhibition! (IHT12/05/98) |
13/05/98 | Any movements that attempt to ban alcohol and tobacco advertising should listen to Natalia Fonareva of the Anti-Monopoly Comittee in Russia: "The law should regulate not prohibit advertising". 2002 Winter Olympics Comittee in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA should pay attention to Ms. Fonareva' words!. (DIB 8/05/98) |
10/05/98 | Torula News does the first ever, as we know it, Cognac Houses visits ratings! Check it regularly until we finish all the visits. The best wins a Torula News price. |
7/05/98 | 65 countries visited www.swfrance.com in April'98 representing a total of 13945 visitors. For the first time since September'97, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Thailand visitors have returned to this Cognac, Pineau des Charentes and Armagnac site. Is this the sign of Asian markets recovery? |
02/05/98 | Newly published proposal to
reorganize Cognac producing industry (viticulture) offers compromises
instead of bold action. It has "no passion and no momentum" as
the headline in Charente Libre (02/05/98) pointedly noted. This is no time for
comprimises, it is time for bold initiatives! ![]() |
April 1998
24/04/98 | We welcome new team at the Comite National du Pineau des Charentes led by Christophe Thomas, Director and Christian Baudry, President. Will BNIC follow? |
23/04/98 | Cognac Courvoisier recently re-vitalized their Erte Cognac promotion in Moscow at the National Hotel. Jean-Marc Olivier, Maitre d'Chai led the event. Will we see amateur tastings in Moscow or elesewhere, in Russia? |
22/04/98 | Cognac Otard (part of Martini-Bacardi group) suspends purchases of eaux-de-vie in the region for 12 months. What's next? |
22/04/98 | Château de Beaulon introduces millésime 1976 vintage Cognac; Très Vieille Réserve du Château. |
19/04/98 | Results of the 1998 Competition for the 15-20 years old eaux-de-vie at the Foire Exposition Grande Champagne, Segonzac (16), France: 1. André Thorin, Mainxe (1979 eau-de-vie), 2. Henri Geffard, Verriéres (1983 eau-de-vie), 3. Gérard Drouet, Salles d'Angles (1978 eau-de-vie). All winners sell bottled Cognac. For more details check www.swfrance.com/tourism/segonzacfair.htm |
17/04/98 | New web site from Armagnac ADEX at www.maison-armagnac.com Lots of information, worth a visit! |
16/04/98 | Results from the 1998 Concours Mondial de Vins in Brussels: Médailles d'Or 1998: Pineau des Charentes Rémy Martin and Pineau des Charentes Vieux 1992 blanc from SCA Pineau Roussille and Armagnac Sempe VSOP... for details check: http://vinopres.be./ |
13/04/98 | 12th Fair-Exhibition of Grande Champagne and 2nd Forum du Cognac will be held in Segonzac on the 18 - 19 April. In a full program of various activities two themes are leading; Cognac@Internet (with 4 leading web sites present at the stands) and 15-20 years old Grande Champagne eaux-de-vie competition. |
8/04/98 | In the period ending 31/03/98, LVMH, a parent of Hennessy was the 10th largest French company by capitalisation value and 11th largest based on transactions volume on the Paris Bourse. Pernod-Ricard was respectively 51st and 46th. |
04/04/98 | Swedish Bartenders Association (SBG) announced 1997 Pre-Dinner Cocktail Competition results: 1. Passione from Austria (Gin/Rum/Cinzano based), 2. Prince Charles from Czech Republic (Cinzano based), 3. Bohème from Norway (Gin, Vermouth, Benedictine and Cognac Gautier). (Apéritif 1/98) |
01/04/98 | Festival du Film
Policier de Cognac begins tomorrow and continues till the 5th. How does it
benefit Cognac industry? ![]() |
March 1998
31/03/98 | Distillerie des Moisans wants to introduce Extra Young Cognac, a white cognac, 12 months old. And the establishiment led by BNIC is against it. Why not to modify rules of Appellation, which is the responsibility of INAO and not BNIC, and give a chance to an innovative idea? We wonder why XO Beer is acceptable and Extra Young is not? If rules of Appellation are the only obstacle, change them and let the consumer decide! | ||||||||||||||||||
30/03/98 | L&L introduces XO Beer - Cognac and Beer; innovations have no limit! No comments from BNIC or INAO - see above. | ||||||||||||||||||
28/03/98 | Le Magazine du Cognac Planete X.O. - new quarterly magazine hits the newstands in France! Among has-been actors, great fashion designers, silly coverage of bars in Paris and Seychelles, some info about Cognac including great interview with the boss of Hennessy. Great idea but badly executed! This web site contributed some material to this magazine. We hope the next issue will be much better or shouldn't be publish at all. | ||||||||||||||||||
27/03/98 | FEVS, the French wine and spirits exporters association reported slow spirit sales, an increase of 3%. Major spirit growth categories were liqueurs and cognac (3% rise equal to F8.5 billion). French domestic spirits market sales continue slowdown according to FFS. (DIB 27/03/98) | ||||||||||||||||||
27/03/98 | Rémy Martin invests F18 million in consolidating its bottling operation Merpins, a suburb of Cognac. A sign of optimism? (Carente Libre 27/03/98) | ||||||||||||||||||
24/03/98 | Cognac Hennessy worlwide market share climbed to 33% reinforced by the success of Hennessy by Kenzo and targeting a younger consumer base. (IHT24/03/98) | ||||||||||||||||||
18/03/98 | LVMH, parent of Cognac Hennessy, reported increased overall sales amid falling sales in Asia. Cognac Hennessy compensated the weakness in Asian markets, especially in Japan, by increasing its market share in North America by 17%. That's the way to do it! (IHT 18/03/98) | ||||||||||||||||||
17/03/98 | Seguin Moreau, a barrel maker in which Remy Cointreau (parent of Cognac Rémy Martin) holds 40% will go public in the middle of 1998 on Second Marche in Paris. Is this the beginning of divestures at Remy Cointreau? Paris stock market reacted favourably. | ||||||||||||||||||
12/03/98 | Flat 1997 sales reported at Marie Brizard, parent of Cognac Gautier. | ||||||||||||||||||
06/03/98 | Dutch Wine merchant finds customers on the Internet - www.e-trade.nl (Financial Times 06/03/98) | ||||||||||||||||||
05/03/98 | Top Five On-line Purchase categories: Books, Computer hardware, Airline tickets, General software, Music (CDs/Tapes) Source: @plan 1.2 Release/ NYT/ IHT05/03/98) - Will Cognac ever make it to the top 5? | ||||||||||||||||||
03/03/98 | Highlights of the special feature: Million-selling spirits from the Drinks International Bulletin of 27/02/98: | ||||||||||||||||||
* Major companies
millionaires (millions of 9-litter cases sold) are:
Top 4 worlds Cognacs
remain unchanged. All, except Courvoisier, registered decline in sales in 1997; from 18.2%
for Rémy Martin to Hennessys 0.7%. Courvoisier gain was about 5%. They are:
For details, subscribe to Drinks International Bulletin gcosslett@wilmington.co.uk ". |
01/03/98 | Read Drinks International Bulletin (DIB) of
27/02/98 - special feature Million-Selling Spirits ![]() |
26/02/98 | From WIRED March 1998: Paradiso Añejo, a first class tequila ($95/bottle), which is five-year-old blend and it was assembled with the help of cognac maker Alain Royer (A. de Fussigny) won the Wired' best... see page 138. Way to go, Mr. Royer! Diversify and promote! |
12/02/98 | Courvoisier introduces Millennium - the year 2000 product presentation. |
11/02/98 | Modern 10000 m² bottling facilities were opened at Courvoisier in Jarnac at Le Belloire. How about that for optimistic expectations of the Cognac markets! |
11/02/98 | Sales are down, optimism is up, eaux-de-vie purchases cut; that's life at Rémy Martin today. "Bright spots" are the markets in the USA (up 9%), France (up 7%) and suprisingly in Japan (up 11%). According to Rémy Martin management, "Bright Spots" reflect Rémy Martin leadership among high end of Cognacs. New marketing campaign has been initiated under the theme of "élégance et de panache". |
06/02/98 | Seagram (parent of Martell) announces a major drop in revenue and profits for 2nd quarter due to decreased spirits sales in Asia. Layoffs and asset write down follows. |
01/02/98 | Great new Cognac web site @ http://www.courvoisier.com ![]() |
January 1998
30/01/98 | Talk of the industry: Courvoisier or Martell? Which one will be spin-off and to whom, if Allied Domecq and Seagram merge their spirits businesses? |
29/01/98 | Rémy Cointreau, parent of Rémy Martin, announces big loss for first half of 1997 and a major restructuring, including lay-offs, adding to woes of the Cognac industry. Forecasts a significant loss for a full year. A major US print ad campaign for Rémy Martin Extra is underway as is TV ad campaign for Rémy Martin VSOP. |
28/01/98 | Deutsche Morgan Grenfell forecast: 1 Euro = $1,07 ¥140 £0.73 on 1/1/99 |
23/01/98 | New PdC push in the USA - contact Allen&Partners 1-908-561-4062 for details |
21/01/98 | Odys, Artys, Osé, Felixy join Alizé and others as new Cognac based aperitif drinks. |
19/01/98 | Cognac Tonic becomes an official aperitif at Elysee Palace in Paris, the residence of the French President Jacques Chirac. |
15/01/98 | Viking Bells from Cognac Larsen are introduced. |
14/01/98 | In the industry first, Cognac Paul Giraud places his Internet pages addresses on the back label of his Cognacs for the European markets. |
11/01/98 | Annie Ragnaud-Sabourin of Les Cognacs Ragnaud-Sabourin was awarded French Legion d'honneur. |
06/01/98 | Swedish newspaper Jönköping Posten has reported that a ship sunk in 1916 in the bay of Finland has been found by the Swedish divers. On board there are about 40,000 liters of Cognac. The ship is being lifted from 65 meter depth. The first 500 bottles of Champagne that were retrieved proved to be exceptional. Will Cognac be the same? How will it be disposed off in the land of spirits monopoly? |
02/01/98 | Rémy Cointreau to
remain independent, says the spokesman... Distribution deal with Pernod Ricard
is under discussion... (31/12/97) ![]() |
Cognac | Pineau des Charentes | Armagnac | Brandy |
Buy on Internet | Vin de Pays Charentais | Hotel Restaurants | Tourism |
www.swfrance.com | www.cognacnet.com | C20 May 2001 Copyright © 2000 Lusina ISG, Inc. |
Torula News |