Family Banchereau

presents products from:

Grande Champagne, 1er cru du Cognac

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Cognac Puys Mesnard, 16120 Eraville, France

Pineau des Charentes, White Grape Juice, Sparkling wine

Phone: +33 (0)5 45 97 13 54

    Fax: +33 (0)5 45 97 15 02
New products & Specials email:

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A Cognac for any time of day

    Family Banchereau are 3rd generation producers of Cognac and Pineau des Charentes. First it was Armand, then Daniel and now his children; Frédérique, Laurent and Nathalie. Since 1994, they are commercially independent bottling their Mon Cognac   products range.

  • Hors d'Age Grande Champagne

    The moment of togetherness

    - 40 years in oak cask

    - 40% vol.

    - 70 cl carafe

    - Ugni Blanc Grape (Cépage)

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  • XO Grande Champagne

- 25 years in oak casks

- 40% vol.

- 70 cl carafe; 50 cl carafe on request

- Ugni Blanc Grape (Cépage)

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  • X.O. Extra Old 

The  tender moment

- 12 years in oak cask

- 40% vol.

- available in 70 cl bottles

- on request in 50 and 75 cl bottles

- Ugni Blanc Grape (Cépage)


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  • Napoléon

The present moment

- 8 years in oak casks

- 40% vol.

- available in 70 cl bottles

- on request in 50 and 75 cl bottles

- Ugni Blanc Grape (Cépage)


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  • VS   

The  rendez-vous moment

- 4 years in oak casks

- 40% vol.

- available in 70 cl bottles

- on request in 50 and 75 cl bottles

- Ugni Blanc Grape (Cépage)

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Try our new Cognac Vogue in your long drink!!

Our Cognacs are of highest quality and are made to rigorous standards following years of experience.

In France, over 80% of our market is in wine & liquor shops (cave), restaurants and bars. 5% of our products is sold through mailing order and the rest sold to various businesses and special customers. 98% of our export market goes to wine & liquor stores, restaurants and bars.

Our products are available in France, Sweden, Germany and Taiwan.           We sell in bulk and bottles. We produce over 500 000 bottles.

Contact us. Family Banchereau


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